Hormonal changes associated with the human menstrual cycle have been previously found to affect female mate preference, whereby women in the late follicular phase of their cycle (i.e., at higher risk of conception) prefer males displaying putative signals of underlying genetic fitness. Past research also suggests that romantic kissing is utilized in human mating contexts to assess potential mating partners. The current study examined whether women in their late follicular cycle phase place greater value on kissing at times when it might help serve mate assessment functions. Using an international online questionnaire, results showed that women in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle felt that kissing was more important at initial stages of a relationship than women in the luteal phase of their cycle. Furthermore, it was found that estimated progesterone levels were a significant negative predictor for these ratings.
KeywordsMenstrual cycle; Romantic kissing; Mate assessment; Relationships Hormonal changes associated with the human menstrual cycle have been found to have discernible effects on female sexual and mating behavior. While it has been known for some time that female sexual desire spikes in the days surrounding ovulation (Regan 1996), it has recently been discovered that preferences for certain types of mating partners also co-vary with phases of the menstrual cycle. For example, women in the late follicular phase of their cycle (in the days immediately preceding ovulation when risk of conception from a single act of intercourse is at its peak) report elevated levels of general attraction to men (GarverApgar et al. 2006) and show increased preferences for sexually dimorphic (i.e., "masculine") faces, masculine body shapes (Little et al. 2007;Penton-Voak et al. 1999), "typical male behavioral displays" (Gangestad et al. 2004), for the scents of symmetrical men (Gangestad and Thornhill 1998) and of men who have greater genetic (MHC) compatibility (Wedekind et al. 1995), as well as for men who are socially dominant (Havlicek et al. 2005) and high in creative intelligence (Haselton and Miller 2006). Women in this cycle phase have also been found to be more accurate at judging male sexual orientation (Rule et al. 2011) and to pay closer attention to cues signaling status (Lens et al. 2011 Many of the traits outlined above, including masculinity, dominance, and facial symmetry, are believed to be acting as signals of underlying genetic competence, which is in turn responsible for physical health, developmental stability and superior immune-responsivity (for reviews see Rhodes 2006;Roberts and Little 2008). Mating with a partner who possesses such a robust gene set increases the odds that resulting offspring will be endowed with similar genetic advantages. However, a negative relationship seems to exist between genetic fitness indicators such as these and behaviors associated with long-term parental investment. For example, higher testosterone levels in utero, responsible for the development o...