The objective. To develop the algorithms of diagnostics of the state of cervix and preparation to births for pregnant after diathermoelectroexcision and cryolysis on the pregravid stage.
Materials and research methods. Cliniko-statistical analysis is presented of motion of pregnancy and result of births for a mother and fetus, results of dynamic supervision and complex inspection 110 pregnant (prospective research), women in labor, puerperal and them new-born, yaks it was up-diffused on the followings groups: I - a basic group is presented 31 pregnant for which to the real pregnancy conducted diathermoelectroexcision cervix; A II basic group was made 79 pregnant which before there was the conducted cryolysis of cervix; a control group was presented 59 pregnant which did not have in anamnesis pathology of cervix at the worn term of pregnancy.
Clinical, echographic, microbiological, biochemical, morphological and statistical.
Results. Analysis of features of motion of gestational period for pregnant with pathology of cervix after its treatment found out the method of diathermoelectroexcision very meaningful part of obstetric complications. The most frequent forms of pathology were: threatening interrupting of pregnancy, pathological preliminary period, anomalies of childbirth, untimely rupture of the amniotic fluid, chorioamnionitis, birth trauma, postnatal infectiously inflammatory disease. Considerable frequency of unfavorable results is marked also at garden-stuffs and new-born: hypoxia, syndrome of respiratory disorders for premature baby, festering-septic disease. The results of the conducted analysis of clinical material rotined that treatment of pathology of cervix by the method of diathermoelectroexcision on the pregravid stage for women, designings pregnancy, has unfavorable consequences for a mother, fetus and new-born. The said determines the necessity of timely inspection and differentiated going near adequate treatment of women with pathology of cervix with the purpose of prophylaxis of obstetric and neonatal complications at subsequent pregnancy.
Conclusion. Pregnant after treatment of pathology of cervix by a cryosurgical method and, in a greater degree, diathermoelectroexcision, make the group of enhanceable risk in relation to development of obstetric complications in births (traumas of cervix, anomaly of childbirth, premature break of fetal shells, perinatal pathology, operative delivery, risk of postnatal inflammatory diseases, festering-septic infections of new-born). As frequency of traumas of cervix and operative delivery presently grew and does not have a tendency to the decline, the question of preparation of cervix to births for pregnant researches of new require presently, effective, harmless for a mother and fetus, facilities and methods of action.