Among sports enthusiasts and young individuals, acromioclavicular (AC) joint injuries are highly prevalent. In this, we discussed the comprehensive assessment and management of a 22-year-old male patient who is a student by occupation and a recreational badminton player who presented with left shoulder and wrist pain following a road traffic accident. The study highlights the clinical findings, diagnostic assessment, and therapeutic interventions for the patient with volar intercalated segment instability and a grade 1 AC joint sprain. The methodology involves a case report of the patient's clinical evaluation, including range of motion, manual muscle testing, and diagnostic imaging. The patient was managed conservatively with physiotherapy interventions, including Mulligan's movement with mobilization, cryotherapy, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, and progressive exercises. The results of the study demonstrate the successful implementation of a multidisciplinary conservative management approach for alleviating pain, restoring function, and promoting optimal recovery for the patient. The implications of the study underscore the significance of tailored physical therapy rehabilitation in the management of AC joint sprains and wrist instabilities.