Electronic structure and phase stability of strongly correlated electron materials
Eric B. IsaacsIn this thesis, we use first-principles methods to study a class of systems known as strongly correlated materials in which exceptionally strong electron-electron repulsion in the d or f electron shell can lead to intriguing physical properties. The focus is on transition metal oxide and phosphate intercalation materials such as Li x CoO 2 and Li x FePO 4 , which are employed as the positive electrode in rechargeable Li ion batteries. We also study the transition metal dichalcogenide system VS 2 as a candidate for strong correlation physics with analogous features to the cuprate high-temperature superconductors.Density functional theory (DFT), the standard theory of materials science which can be viewed as an effective single-electron theory, often breaks down for strongly correlated materials. In this thesis, we augment DFT with a more sophisticated many-electron approach known as dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We use the resultant DFT+DMFT approach with the numerically exact continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo solver to explore the physics of the materials studied here and probe compositional phase stability and related observables within DFT+DMFT for the first time. The elementary but efficient Hartree-Fock solver for the DMFT equations (i.e., DFT+U ) is also utilized in order to cleanly separate the role of dynamical correlations and to better understand the respective methods. With these ab initio methods, we predict the compositional phase stability, average intercalation voltage, Li order-disorder transition temperature, structural phase stability, phonons, magnetic
List of Tables1.1 Exponential scaling of the time to solve the many-electron Schrödinger equation, assuming a single-electron problem takes 1 second to solve numerically and the scaling prefactor is unity. The time to solve a 100-electron problem