R6sum6. -On a detecmine la temperature de Debye eM = 156 K, pour de petites particules d'argent d'environ 150 A de diamktre ? I partir &experiences de diffraction X relatives 2 la variation de l'intensite integree des anneaux de Debye-Scherrer en fonction de la temperature. Le fait que'cette temp6rature de Debye soit bien inf6rieure P celle d'un cristal massif d'argent eM = 212 K permet de conclure B l'adoucissement des vibrations cristallines dans les petites particules d'argent.Abstract. -The Debye temper~ture OM = 156 K has been obtained for the fine particles of silver, whose size was about 150 A in diameter, from the X-ray diffraction experiment on the temperature dependence of the integrated intensity in the Debye-Schemer rings. The fact that the Debye temperature obtained in the present experiment is much lower than that of the bulk silver crystal, i.e. OM = 212 K, concludes the softening of lattice vibration occurring in the fine particles of silver.