A Journey into the Universe Franco Giovannelli 4.10 Extragalactic background light 4.11 Unified model for compact sources 4.12 Jets in astrophysics 4.13 The tidal disruption of stars by massive black holes 4.14 Neutrinos 5. The challenge to know our universe 5.1 Big experiments 5.2 Small experiments 5.3 Active physics experiments 5.3.1 The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 5.4 Passive physics experiments 5.4.1 The Cherenkov Telescope Array 5.4.2 ESO-Extremely Large Telescope 5.4.3 Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment: CHIME 5.4.4 e-ASTROGAM observatory 5.4.5 Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) 5.4.6 The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) 5.4.7 The GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope 5.4.8 The BICEP (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization) and the Keck Array 5.4.9 LSPE (Large Scale Polarization Explorer) 5.4.10 QUBIC experiment 5.4.11 Square Kilometer Array 5.5 Cosmic Ray physics experiments 5.5.1 HAWC (High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-ray Observatory) 5.5.2 LHAASO (Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory) 5.5.3 TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy) 6. Habitable zone in the Milky Way and exoplanets 7. Origin of terrestrial life 7.1 The Cambrian explosion 7.2 Plant life 7.3 Animal life 7.4 The evolution of humans 7.5 What intelligent humanity is doing? 8. Great examples of synergy between astrophysics and history 9. The use of wisdom in physics 9.1 The classical T Tauri star RU Lupi 9.2 The cataclysmic variable SS Cygni 9.3 X-ray/Be systems
PoS(MULTIF2023)001A Journey into the Universe Franco Giovannelli
Conclusions and perspectivesA Journey into the Universe Franco Giovannelli Drouart et al. (1999) starting from the fact that each nebula disk is characterized by its initial mass M D , its initial radius R D , and the coefficient of turbulent viscosity α, they show that these parameters may be constrained by comparing temperature-density profiles to properly chosen physical and chemical Solar System data. They developed an analytical model that permits fruitful comparisons with available Solar System data and helpful constraints on the structure of the primitive solar nebula, as summarized below:• Theories of the formation of giant planets provide relatively weak constraints on the main parameters which define the nebula, namely the initial mass M D , the initial radius R D , and the coefficient of turbulent diffusion α. However, they conclude that forming the cores of giant planets in a time compatible with the lifetime of the nebula requires a α value equal to at least a few 10 −4 .• The enrichment in fossil deuterium enrichment in water with respect to the protosolar abundance is by far more constraining. At t = 0, R D must be between 8 and 28 AU, M D between 0.03 and 0.3 M ⊙ , and α must be between 0.003 and 1.• The high viscosity disks they infer (0.02 < α < 1) are characterized by a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence while their low viscosity models (0.003 < α < 0.02) are charaterized by hydrodynamical turbulence. Other mechanisms susceptible ...