A combination of differential titration calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry was used to study the effect of disulfide bond cleavage and reaction with iodoacetamide of ribonuclease T, on both the binding of nucleotides and the thermal stability of the free enzyme species. Although guanosine monophosphates still bind to the active site of the modified protein the transition temperature of unfolding and thle transition enthalpy decrease drastically indicating a relatively loose structure. The calorimetric data presented in this study suggest a cooperative linkage between the site of the disulfide bonds, the ligand-binding site, and the general thermodynamic stability of the enzyme.Keywords. Microcalorimetry ; disulfide bonds ; cooperativity ; ligand binding ; ribonuclease T,.The biological function of proteins depends to a high degree on a balance between rigidity and flexibility of the protein structure. In addition to internal van der Waals' interactions and hydrogen bonds disulfide bridges are an important stabilizing feature of proteins.Since the thermal stability is a limiting factor in producing proteins of industIia1 importance, many attempts have been made to introduce disulfide bridges in order to improve the yield of the fermentation process or decrease the loss induced by denaturation. Recent results have demonstrated that the improvement of protein stability by the introduction of disulfide bonds is relevant to their location in the protein. The most effective stabilizing disulfide bridges are those introduced into the hydrophobic core without any major disturbance of the general protein structure (Zhou et al., 1993).Microcalorimetry (Hinz, 1986) is a suitable method to provide information about structural stability, by means of the free energy of reaction, AG,, and structural flexibility in terms of the entropy of reaction, AS,. The directly measured calorimetric enthalpy, AH,, can be assigned essentially to van der Waals and electrostatic interactions.Due to the complexity of the entropic contributions (e.g. backbone flexibility, excluded volume of the reaction partners, watedprotein interactions, water-ordering effect), a quantitative interpretation of the macroscopic parameter AS, is often difficult. Moreover, recent theories suggest that in addition to conformational entropic effects, enthalpic and native-state effects of disulfide bridges occur and cannot be neglected. It is argued that cross-links, such as disulfide bridges, destabilize the folded structure entropically, but stabilize it enthalpically to a greater Correspondence 10 H. Ruterjans, Institut fur Biophysikalische F a : +49 69 5800 9632. Abbreviations. 2'CMP, cytidine 2'-monophosphate; 2'GMP, guanosine 2'monophosphate ; 3'GMP, guanosine 3'-monophosphate; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry ; DTC, differential titration calorimetry ; Cam, carboxyamidomethyl; Cm, carboxymethyl.Enzymes. Ribonuclease A (EC; ribonuclease T, (EC, Marie-Curie-Str. 9, D-60439 Frankfurt, Germany extent (Doig and Will...