Employing our free-standing fihn calc~rilnetric system, we have identified three remarkable layer-by-klycr transiticms in scver+,l liquid crystal COlllpottnds. Each of these Iransiticms can be well described by the simple pc~wer-law fc, rm: L= L,,t '. The layerirtg transitions Ibund near the smectic-A hexatic-B and smectic-A crystaI-B transitions are well characterized by the expcment v m I 3. This vahle is consistent with rnodels bz, sed on a van tier Waals-like dc, minant intermolecuhlr interaction. Another novel layer-by-k, yer thin,ling traqsition has been discovered abc, ve the bulk smectic-A isotropic transition of a perIluorim, tcd liquid cryst~,l compotmd. The value of the exponent obtained. v ~ 3 4. c~,nnot be easily explained using familiar models.KEY WORDS: free-standing film: heat capacity: I~tyer-b.v-layer transiticm: liquid crystal: smeclic-A hexalic-B transiticm.