A general expression for the diffracted intensities from an aggregate of cylindrically curved crystallites with rotational shifts of layers by different amounts has been worked out using a model and treatments similar to those of previous work [Ray, De & Bhattacherjee (1978). Acta Cryst. A34, 637-638]. Numerical computations for several cases of layer shift showed that the heights of the diffraction peaks decrease accompanying slight changes in peak positions as the unit of angular shift decreases.In two successive publications (Ray, De & Bhattacherjee, 1978;De, Ray & Bhattacherjee, 1979), the authors derived expressions for the diffracted intensities of X-rays from disordered curved crystallites following the model and treatments similar to those adopted by Mitra & Bhattacherjee (1971). One of the disorders considered was characterized by shifts of coaxial cylindrical layers. The shift of a layer was where assumed to take place parallel to itself with rotation about the common axis with respect to its neighbouring layer by angular distances ~0/2 and ~0/3 analogously to the b/2 and b/3 shifts in the plane lattice layer as discussed by Wilson (1962). Wilson's approach to the case of curved crystallites can be extended and intensity expressions for the above cases readily worked out. However, it was considered necessary to derive a general expression for the diffracted intensities from disordered curved crystallites with layer shift in order to discuss the effect on the intensity as the shift changes gradually.The present calculation is based on the same model of a disordered curved crystallite and all the symbols carry the same meaning as described in the previous work (Ray, De & Bhattacherjee, 1978;De, Ray & Bhattacherjee, 1979). Here, also, R m and W m are taken to be the probabilities of the ruth layer being in the right and wrong places, respectively. If K is an integer and the unit angular shift is given by ~o/K, then there are (K -1) wrong places corresponding to the angles of shift p~o/K where p may assume the values 1, 2, 3 ....
. (K --1). Utilizing the conditions
Rm+(K--1)Wm= 1,and following Wilson (1962), we haveand wherewhere st is the probability of slip along the arc direction and q~ is the angle subtended by two neighbouring lattice points on 0567-7394/80/010153-02501.00the same arc at the common axis. The average angular position of a lattice point (r, m, t) becomes [r + (Kl)/2Wm]~0 in the displaced layer. Inserting this modified value, the intensity I(hKl o) can be shown to be