Molybdenum hexafluoride, MoF6, has a body-centred cubic plastically crystalline phase between 263.4 K and 290.6 K, with a = 6.221 (5) A, at 266 K and Z= 2. As the MoF6 groups are in rapid rotational disorder, the powder neutron diffraction pattern collected at 266 K could not be analysed with conventional ordered models. The method of Kubic Harmonics, where cubic symmetry only is assumed and no molecular model presupposed, was found to work well with these data. Kubic Harmonic terms up to the fourth power were found to be sufficient, and a least-squares profile refinement gave a Mo-F distance of 1.802 (14) fluorine distribution over the spherical surface with radius equal to the Mo-F distance was unsatisfactory with R=0"219 and Z 2= 2.32. The fourth-order Kubic Harmonic model corresponded to a diffuse distribution of fluorine nuclear scattering density over the sphere, but with maxima on the fourfold axes.