Relations and distinctions which are relevant to small-signal electrical-relaxation behavior are reviewed and applied to the important problem of identifying the physical processes leading to dispersed relaxation response. Complex-nonlinear-least-squares tting of a response model to frequency-response data is found not to allow one to distinguish unambiguously in most cases between conductive-system response of Wagner-Voigt type, which m a y b e c haracterized by a distribution of conductive-system relaxation times DCRT , and dielectric-system response of Maxwell type, characterized by a d istribution of dielectric-system relaxation times DDRT . In general, one must include a parallel conductivity element, CP, a s w ell as a high-frequencylimiting dielectric-system dielectric constant, in a conductive-system tting model used to represent dielectric-system data with non-zero dc conductivity. Contrary to earlier predictions of Gross and Meixner, accurate numerical inversion of a set of exact frequency-response data to estimate the distribution with which it is associated shows that no discrete line necessarily appears in a DCRT associated with a truncated continuous DDRT. A discrete line can appear in general, however, when CP 6 = 0 and is unaccounted for in an inversion process. The novel result is established that a data set mathematically described in terms of a dielectric system with dc leakage and involving a Maxwell-circuit exponential distribution of relaxation times may b e w ell represented within usual experimental error by a W agner-Voigt conductive system involving a form of the important Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts response model.