The rate of isothe rm al bulk crystalli zation of poly (e hloro trifluoroethylene) , 2'm = 221° C, was measured from 170 0 to 200 0 C. The intrinsic bulk cr ystallization, which acc uraLe ly ~o llow e d a n n= 2 la\,:, was. shown t o be a res ult of the i~lj ect ion of primary nu clei spora di cally III Lime, with on e-dim ensIOnal growth of cen ters den ved from t hese n uclei. The cr ysLalIi tesare exceedingly s ma ll. The one~dimen sional gro wth process was isolaLe d by nuclca Lin g s peCllllens WJ t h seed crystals, a nd Its te mperature-dependence determincd beL ween 191 0 an d 205 0 C. The seed crystal isotherms followed an n= 1 la w. TIle te mperature coC'ffi cien ts o f t he rate of nu cleation a nd the rate of grow th were both stron gly negati ve .A Lheor y of homogeneo us nucleation t hat takes i nto accou nt t he egmental cha racte r of t he polymer c hai ns is d eveloped in some detail . A cylindrical n ucleu is ass umed . In Lhe te mperat ure ra nge ncar t he mel ting point, region A, where t he r adius a nd length of t he n lI clcus a re u nresLricted, the rate of nucleation is shown to be proportional to exp ( -a
/ T al). 1'2).The nu cleation rate is pl'oportional to exp( -fJ / T21). 2"' ) in region B, which exten ds from so me-\\' hat below t he melt ing point to considera bly lower temperatlll'es; the length of t he nucleus has a constant value / 0 in t his region, but t he rad ius is ume tricted . (In t he a bove express ions, a a nd fJ a rc constan ts). Finally, at suffi cien Lly low tem peratures, region C is en te red . U llder COl' Lain circ ulllstances, the r ate of n ucleatio n in region C will be extre mely rapid, a nd correspond to a "n ucleative collapse" of t he supcrcooledliqu id state. A calculation of
Lh c one-dim e nsio na l growt h rate s hows that it is p ropo rt ional to exp( -,,(/ T 2I).'1') where fJ = "(.A careful analysis o f t he expe ri men tal data ob Lain ed between 170 0 an d 200 0 C clearl y showed t hat both t he rate of n ucleation an d t he raLe of growth were p ropor t
iona l to cxp( -{3/ T2I).T), and not ex p ( -a/ ' 1.'3I).T2).The p rimary n ucleation event wa th us of ty pe H in Lhis interval. A delailed a na lysis of the data is given, a nd s urface free enerO'ie a nd t he d ime nsio ns of the n uclei quoLed. Quenchin g experimenLs, where t he poly mer ;as crys lallized well below 170 0 C, gave a firm indi cation of t he ex iste nce o f reg ion C.An experi mental sLud y was ma de of t he extremely slow cry lalli zation process t hat prevail ed when Lhe degree of crysLallini ty became hig h. The on set of t his stage of t he crysLalli zation was interp reted as being Lile resul t of a m assive degree of impinge ment. This i r~Lcrpretati o n is jll st i~cd by Lhe caleulaL ions of Laurilzen, who has g iven a t heor y of imPJtl gc me nts t hat pred lC L::; a pse udoequ ill b n um degree of crystaUi n ily.As indi cated a bove t ile growl h p rocess orig inaL in g at ho moge neo us nuclei is not o f a Lh ree-dimensional or spile ruli t ic characLer in Lhe reg ion o...