543.422.8;539.216.2 and L. M. GafarovaA new XRF procedure for the determination of the mass absorption coeffi cient in thin fi lm Ti/V and V/Ti two-layer systems has been proposed. The procedure uses easy-to-make thin-fi lm layers of sputtered titanium and vanadium on a polymer fi lm substrate. Correction coeffi cients have been calculated that take into account attenuation of primary radiation of the X-ray tube, as well as attenuation of the spectral line of the bottom layer element in the top layer.Keywords: X-ray fl uorescence analysis, thin two-layer fi lm, correction coeffi cient, mass absorption coeffi cient, polymer fi lm substrate.Introduction. Since most practically important properties of thin fi lms depend on the thickness and the composition of the fi lm composite elements, analytical control is necessary in obtaining and using thin-fi lm layers. The diffi culty is that in determining the investigated parameters it is necessary to provide a suffi ciently high accuracy while maintaining the composition and structure of the composites. Of the known physical and chemical methods for determining the composition and thickness of each layer, the most effective method is X-ray fl uorescence analysis (XRF). The role and importance of XRF are due to its advantages: it is a non-destructive, fast, multi-element analysis method that provides a relatively high accuracy. The main diffi culty, which limits the use of this method for the analysis of fi lm structures, is the absence of a specifi c standard set of fi lm layers required for determining mass attenuation coeffi cients. Accuracy of the calculation signifi cantly affects the error in determining the concentrations of the elements and the thickness of the layers of the systems studied. For example, comparison of the mass attenuation coeffi cients provided in nine most comprehensive sources was carried out in [1] and revealed that the data vary considerably, especially in the case of light elements.Previous studies of two-layer composites describe the use of both single-component one-and two-layer fi lms [2], and two-layer systems, in which one layer is a multi-component layer, and the other is a single-component layer [3,4]. In determining mass absorption coeffi cients taking into account attenuation of the primary radiation of the X-ray tube and attenuation of spectral lines of the lower layer elements in the upper layer, a very time-consuming technique was used which entailed applying a second layer onto one-layer single-component fi lms. The resulting two-layer systems could not be used further in the study of other structures.Application of the simple to manufacture unifi ed one-layer single-component layers, obtained by deposition of elements on a polymer fi lm substrate [(C 10 H 8 O 4 ) n ], is proposed here for the determination of the mass absorption coeffi cients of X-ray fl uorescence of Ge atoms (lower layer) for Ti, Ni, V, or Cr (upper layer) found in two-layer systems on polycore substrates [5,6]. Combination of Ge layers on the polycore and...