Abstract. Analysis of thin film layers on bulk substrates is carried out using a technique based on the ~(pz) model of the depth distribution of X-ray emission. Both the composition and thickness of individual layers can be determined provided that the same element is not present in more than a single layer.The application of this method to the analysis of thin titanium-boron nitride bilayers on silicon or molybdenum substrates is discussed. X-ray intensities were measured by energy dispersive spectroscopy with a windowless or ultra thin window detector. The thickness of a 10 nm titanium layer could be estimated to within about +__ 1 nm, which is comparable with the depth resolution attainable by Auger sputter profiling.
Key words: EDS, thin films, multilayers, light elements, ~(pz).The ~(pz) technique for quantitative X-ray microanalysis has been shown to provide significantly improved quantitation, particularly for the light elements [1], because it incorporates a more physically realistic model of the generation and absorption of X-rays with mass depth than the conventional ZAF correction methods. Due to this more accurate description of the depth distribution of X-ray emission, the O(pz) approach may be readily adapted to the determination of composition and thickness in thin films and multilayers on substrates. An early attempt to apply this concept to the analysis of single layers [2] employed a purely empirical form of the emission curve. Various improved expressions for the distribution function have since been proposed [3][4][5][6].Recently, computer software has been developed capable of analyzing multilayer structures containing light elements [7], using the established theoretical model of Pouchou and Pichoir [8,9]. The present paper will discuss the application of this procedure to the analysis of very thin (-~ 10 nm) boron nitride and titanium layers deposited on silicon and molybdenum substrates, employing data generated by