Thomson scattering of laser light is one of the most fundamental diagnostics of plasma density, temperature and magnetic fields. It relies on the assumption that the properties in the probed volume are homogeneous and constant during the probing time. On the other hand, laboratory plasmas are seldom uniform and homogeneous on the temporal and spatial dimensions over which data is collected. This is particularly true for laser-produced high-energy-density matter, which often exhibits steep gradients in temperature, density and pressure, on a scale determined by the laser focus. Here, we discuss the modification of the cross section for Thomson scattering in fully-ionized media exhibiting steep spatial inhomogeneities and/or fast temporal fluctuations. We show that the predicted Thomson scattering spectra are greatly altered compared to the uniform case, and may lead to violations of detailed balance. Therefore, careful interpretation of the spectra is necessary for spatially or temporally inhomogeneous systems.Fourth generation light sources hold the promise of improving our understanding of extreme states of matter by providing a probe which can penetrate through the enormous densities produced in inertial confinement fusion or laboratory astrophysics experiments. Thomson scattering by free electrons has emerged as a powerful diagnostic for such systems, through its extension from the optical through the x-ray regime, allowing it to take full advantage of the new capabilities provided by fourth generation light sources (e.g. LCLS, SACLA, European XFEL, SwissFEL) 1-3 . Thomson scattering allows for the measurement of density, temperature, and ionization state in plasmas, leading to an effective characterization of the plasma equilibrium state 1,4,5 , and progress in the understanding of the properties of high-energy-density matter has significantly relied upon this technique [6][7][8][9][10][11][12] . Thomson scattering has also been utilized for probing temperatures and magnetic fields in tokamaks 13,14 . Investigations using Thomson scattering to date have been based on the assumption of a homogenous or weakly inhomogeneous plasma. This limitation becomes particularly restrictive when considering the ultra-short x-ray pulses and near diffraction limited laser spot sizes of fourth generation light sources 15,16 . Under such conditions, large spatial and temporal gradients in the properties of matter are not negligible and are mainly determined by the extent of laser focus 17 . This situation is exemplified by inertial fusion experiments, where the capsule is compressed by a series of shocks 4,18 which introduce inhomogeneities on the scale of the particle mean free path (i.e., the shock width) and this significantly complicates the determination of the properties of the dense, compressed core in a scattering experiment 19 . Interpreting the scattering signals with models developed for homogenous equilibrium systems may thus lead to significant errors in the inferred properties of the matter.Here we dev...