The a and 0 2 subunits of tryptophan synthase were investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering. The molecular parameters are: radius of gyration, CI: 1.95 nm, pz : 3.01 nm; maximum particle diameter, CI: 5.8 nm, p 2 : 10.5 nm; and hydrated volume, CI : 60 nm3, p2 160 nm'. The shape of the CI subunit can best be described by a circular cylinder, slightly tapered at one end. An elongated elliptical cylinder with its cross section larger in the middle than at the ends was found to be a model equivalent in scattering to the p2 subunit.The CI& enzyme complex was found to have a radius of gyration of 4.01 nm, a maximum length of 13.5 nm, and a hydrated volume of 270 nm3. No satisfactory fit of the scattering data was obtainable by mere apposition of the models of the CI and p 2 subunits. Two cylinders overlapping laterally fit the experimental data considerably better, suggesting changes in the conformation of the subunits on forming the CI& complex.Tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli is an CI& bienzyme complex, which catalyses the following reactions :Reaction (1) is catalyzed by the CI subunit and 100-fold more efficiently by the (x& complex. Reaction (2) is catalyzed by the fl2 subunit and 50-fold more efficiently by the complex. This mutual activation is thought to arise from heterologous subunit-subunit interactions during assembly of the complex. Moreover, the active sites appear to be juxtaposed at the intersubunit interface [l].The information on the structure and function of the complex and the component subunits has been reviewed recently [I]. Meanwhile the nucleotide sequences of the corresponding genes have been determined for E. roli [2], other enteric bacteria [3], and for Saccharomyces cerevisiae [4], showing that the amino acid sequences of the CI and / 3 polypeptide chains are highly conserved. Further, limited proteolysis has revealed that both the (x subunit ( M , 28727) and the p protomer (M, 42988) are composed of two autonomously folding structural domains that probably form the corresponding active sites at the interdomain interfaces [5 -91. Except for a preliminary crystallographic study of the a subunit [lo] and an estimate of the distance between the two active sites [Ill, little direct evidence on the tertiary and quaternary structure of tryptophan synthase and its subunits is available to date.In this paper we present the results of small-angle X-ray scattering studies on the CI and p2 subunits and the a& complex of tryptophan synthase. The data were fitted to various models equivalent in scattering and support a scheme for the assembly of the complex from its subunits.
EnzymesTryptophan synthase (x-& complex was purified from the overproducing strain Escherichia coli trpR trpAEDl02/ F'trpAEDl02 [12]. The excess CI subunit produced by this strain was purified by affinity chromatography [13]. The p 2 subunit was prepared from the pure CI& complex by heat denaturation as described [12,14]. Protein aggregates were removed by gel chromatography on Sephacryl S200 (...