A joint X-ray spectroscopic investigation is made of rare earth (RE) monophosphides and monosulphides, crystallizing in the NaC1-type lattice, and the band calculation of some of them. X-ray emission K-and L-bands of phosphorus in R E monophosphides are obtained, and also the K absorption edges, Ti-and L-emission bands of sulphur in R E monosulphides. From the results 0-the band calculation the dispersion curves are constructed, the total and local partial density of states is determined and the dependence of forbidden band width in monophosphides from the R E atomic number is obtained. The energy structures of the valence electron bands of investigated classes of compounds are similar in their principal features. Differences observed near the top of the band, essential for determination of physical properties, are connected with the localization of d-and f-states. The possibility of X-ray spectroscopic investigation of interatomic and intraatomic hybridizations is discussed, including shells, preceeding the valence ones, the electronic states of which can noticeably participate in the chemical bond. The nature of cheniical interaction in the compounds studied is far from pure ionic, but is more polar than in compounds with a diamond-like lattice.