An electrochemical three-electrode flow-cell is presented for in situ small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) experiments in transmission mode at synchrotron X-ray sources. The cell also allows for in situ XAS performed in fluorescence mode. Constant experimental conditions, even under moderate gas evolution, are provided by the electrolyte flow with controlled gas saturation. A special configuration of working and counter electrode, respectively, yields low residual ohmic resistance in three-electrode measurements that enables the study of thick porous electrodes of active high surface area materials. The cell proved its functionality and reliability in two studies: First, an in situ anomalous SAXS experiment for the high-potential degradation properties of a Pt/IrO 2 -TiO 2 catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction at polymer electrolyte fuel cell cathodes; and second, an in situ XAS study of the electronic state of Ir centers inside an IrO 2 -TiO 2 catalyst under oxygen evolution conditions. © The Author Modern research in electrocatalysis makes extensive use of in situ X-ray techniques that provide information about the structure and the electronic state of catalyst materials under electrochemical potential control. The reason for this is the limited, merely indirect information about the state of the catalyst that can be deduced from purely electrochemical testing like cyclic voltammetry (CV) which often does not allow for an unambiguous interpretation of the data. In order to develop an understanding at a more fundamental level, additional information is required about the potential-dependent state of electrocatalyst materials that can be provided by synchrotron-based techniques like X-ray scattering or X-ray absorption spectroscopy.One example is the investigation of polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) Pt cathode catalyst degradation. Different mechanisms have been proposed for the loss of electrochemically active Pt surface area (ECSA) that occurs most severely at transient high-potential spikes during PEFC start and stop.1,2 Processes like agglomeration of primary Pt particles due to migration or carbon support corrosion, Pt loss due to dissolution, and growth of primary Pt nanoparticles due to dissolution/redeposition cycles have been considered 3,4 and quantified for different operation conditions and electrochemical environments. The most common technique applied for this purpose is transmission electron microscopy (TEM), which has the convenient advantage that changes of the Pt nanoparticle structure can be directly visualized, especially with the use of identical location TEM (IL-TEM).5 Although successfully demonstrated, 6 in situ TEM remains limited to certain electrochemical systems. Whereas the strength of TEM lies in the direct imaging of individual catalyst particles, it is challenging to extract quantitative statistical information about the entire catalyst sample from TEM analysis. Finally, the distinction of Pt nanoparticles from the support material p...