Porphobilinogen synthase (PBGS) is a homo-octameric protein that catalyzes the complex asymmetric condensation of two molecules of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). The only characterized intermediate in the PBGS-catalyzed reaction is a Schiff base that forms between the first ALA that binds and a conserved lysine, which in Escherichia coli PBGS is Lys-246 and in human PBGS is Lys-252. In this study, E. coli PBGS mutants K246H, K246M, K246W, K246N, and K246G and human PBGS mutant K252G were characterized. Alterations to this lysine result in a disabled but not totally inactive protein suggesting an alternate mechanism in which proximity and orientation are major catalytic devices.
13C NMR studies of [3,5-13 C]porphobilinogen bound at the active sites of the E. coli PBGS and the mutants show only minor chemical shift differences, i.e. environmental alterations. Mammalian PBGS is established to have four functional active sites, whereas the crystal structure of E. coli PBGS shows eight spatially distinct and structurally equivalent subunits. Biochemical data for E. coli PBGS have been interpreted to support both four and eight active sites. A unifying hypothesis is that formation of the Schiff base between this lysine and ALA triggers a conformational change that results in asymmetry. Product binding studies with wild-type E. coli PBGS and K246G demonstrate that both bind porphobilinogen at four per octamer although the latter cannot form the Schiff base from substrate. Thus, formation of the lysine to ALA Schiff base is not required to initiate the asymmetry that results in half-site reactivity.Porphobilinogen synthase (PBGS, 1 also known as 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase) is a metalloenzyme that catalyzes the asymmetric condensation of two molecules of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) to form porphobilinogen, the monopyrrole precursor of tetrapyrroles (see Fig. 1). Although PBGS proteins from different organisms differ in their use of metal ions, there is remarkable sequence conservation between the PBGS from eubacteria, archaea, and eucaryotes implying a commonality in the overall protein architecture and reaction mechanism (1). The two PBGS studied herein, those of Escherichia coli and human, both require a catalytic Zn(II), neither require monovalent cations, and the E. coli PBGS activity is stimulated by an allosteric Mg(II) (2-5). The overall protein sequence identity between E. coli and human PBGS is 42%, and the active site residues are significantly more conserved.Considerable effort has been applied to the characterization of PBGS proteins from various organisms, and several crystal structures are now available (6 -10). Yet much of the chemical reaction mechanism remains speculative (7). Only one intermediate, an enzyme-substrate Schiff base, has been identified (11). Several x-ray crystal structures contain levulinic acid bound in a fashion analogous to the Schiff base (Protein Database codes 1B4K, 1YLV, and 1B4E), and the actual Schiff base involving ALA has been observed by 13 C and 15 N NMR for a chemically mo...