A thermodynamic and kinetic model of kaolinite mixed
with 5% lime
was developed in this study in order to inform the long-term prediction
of the system composition and its influence on the geotechnical properties
of lime-stabilized clays. For model calibration, pore solution analysis
of lime–kaolinite-compacted monoliths was performed for up
to 2 years of curing time. The model showed that there are three stages
in the evolution of the pozzolanic reactions that correspond to a
progressive decrease in the rate of kaolinite dissolution. In the
first stage (0–180 days of curing), portlandite is consumed
rapidly, and kaolinite dissolution proceeds at the highest rate. From
the model prediction, the phase assemblage during this stage is amorphous
jennite, C4AH13, and SO4-AFm, which
control Al and Si in solution at very low values and result in rapid
strength development. In the next stage (180–360 days), portlandite
is consumed and kaolinite dissolution slows down. Si and Al in solution
increase rapidly, and the phase assemblage shows transformation to
stratlingite first and then a small amount of gibbsite and tobermorite-II
also starts forming. The last stage is marked by a further decrease
in the dissolution rate and transformation of stratlingite to tobermorite-II
and gibbsite, with every component in the solution plateauing except
Si, which is predicted by the model to increase. The phase transformation
is related to a reduction in strength from 360 to 720 days of curing.
The model also predicts a last drop in pH and Al when stratlingite
is completely depleted and equilibrium is reached, which was not observed
in the experiments terminated at 720 days.