The radiography training simulator currently in development minimizes errors through mock training on radiology and improves the accuracy of the tests to minimize radiation exposure of the patients and improve the quality of diagnosis services. The objective of this study is to suggest a configuration method for a user interface in developing a radiography training simulator. To configure the operating program of a radiography training simulator in the same manner as an actual radiography equipment, features allow viewing of the worklist and entry of patient information in accordance with the manual. Body part and projection are selected, after which detector, distance, angle and grid are chosen to proceed with the imaging. The image is then printed. The printed image can be transmitted to the PACS server. In addition, a scenario editing feature and help window on the test method are configured so that the user can configured an image database himself. The developed user interface for radiography training simulator simulates an actual X-ray test, improving the effects of mock training and repetitive learning. Since not all variables that may occur during the image printing cannot be configured, the location data of the model device and camera were used to lead to correct testing methods and positions, thus minimizing errors. In follow-up studies, technological development using object recognition and 3D data will be applied to realize various situations that are close to real-life situations.