X-ray waveguides are routinely used at synchrotron light sources in imaging setups
and as a platform for experiments with quantum emitters, providing nanometer-sized confinement
– even x-ray optics on a chip has been showcased. X-ray waveguides are weakly guiding and
experience significant material absorption, such that the established waveguide theory is not
immediately applicable. Here, a a general self-contained nano-optical theory of planar waveguides
is derived, which is appropriate for hard x-ray energies. Solutions of the electromagnetic fields
and its Green’s functions and their expansions into resonant and non-resonant modes are derived.
A method to reliably find the resonant modes of x-ray waveguide structures is presented. Based
on the general theory, certain common experimental geometries, namely evanescent coupling in
grazing-incidence, front-coupling in forward-incidence and radiation from buried emitters, are
discussed in more detail. Complementing the analytic discussion, numerical tools are provided
and applied to quantitatively extract the main figures of merit. The theory provides an analytic
foundation for the interpretation of past and future experiments and, combined with the numerical
tools, will facilitate the computer-aided design of x-ray waveguides.