Albumin nanoparticles are already used for the treatment of the cancer. In our current work, it is presented the technique for the preparation of small-size 1-to 5-micron particles coated with the allopurinol. We propose that this combination of the compounds might be useful for the ischemic stroke treatment as the agent preventing formation of the brain edema, reactive oxygen species, and initiation of cells regeneration. Glutaraldehyde was used for the polymerization of albumin. Determination of the particle size was performed by the light as well as phase contrast microscopies and analyzed by Pixcavator 6.0 and Image Tool programs. Modification and establishment of iodine-based method served as the base for quantification of bound with the particles and free allopurinol. As a consequence of the experiments, the best formulation of glutaraldehyde ratio and albumin quantity as well as conditions for the formation of the smallest sized spheroidshaped particles were found for the further in vivo application.