Based on calculations from existing data, the human middle ear appears to have a displacement limit of about 30 /x peak to peak and becomes nonlinear at about 10 /x peak to peak. This nonlinearity begins at free-field SPLs of 110 to 120 dB in the midrange of frequencies. The presence of an absolute limit tO stapes displacements indicates that at high SPLs there is a high-frequency bias in the conducting mechanism which may in part be responsible for the high-frequency hearing loss commonly seen following industrial and/or impulsive noise exposure. Subject Classification: 65.24, 65.64. In their classic study of the effect of high-intensity sound on the ear, Davis et al. (1950) made the interesting observation that for a tone in the midrange of frequencies, an increase in SPL from 125 to 130 dB produced less TTS. Since that time, this observation has been confirmed by Miller (1958), Trittipoe (1958), and Ward (1962). Ward (1973) has hypothesized that this peculiar inversion is due to a change in the mode of stapes vibration brought about by a maximum contraction of the middle-ear muscles. While the middle-ear muscles may be responsible for a change in mode ofstapes vibration, an additional explanation is plausible; namely, at high SPLs the middle ear becomes nonlinear and limits sound transmission. If the middle ear imposes an absolute limit on displacement amplitude, then it is also plausible that the commonly observed pattern of high-frequency hearing losses to occupational and other noise exposure may be influenced by the same factor. The middle ear is a remarkably linear system up to very high intensities; at some point, however, it does become nonlinear. The presence of nonlinearities in the middle ear, while not an issue for most conditions of stimulation, may be of some consequence where exposure to high-intensity sound is concerned. For a variety of good reasons, most research has focused on the behavior of the ear at lower intensities, with the result that the middle ear's behavior at high intensities is not well documented. Even though the middle ear has not been systematically studied at high intensities, a few observations have been made. B•k•sy (1960) noted that in cadaver ears, the stapes changed its mode of vibration at high intensities in such a way that less energy was transmitted to the cochlea. Kobrak (1959) also made a similar observation. Kirikae (1960), working with cadaver ears, did not observe the same change of mode (possibly because the stimulus parameters were not right), but did note that at about 154 dB SPL there was an articulatory motion between the malleus and incus which acted to reduce the sound transmitted to the cochlea. Yamamoto (1953) measured the displacement of the stapes in fresh rabbit cadavers in response to slowly varying air pressures. He found that there was an absolute limit to stapes displacements at about 30/•, regardless of further increases in air pressure. Yamamoto also cited evidence from similar measures on human cadavers by Bezold (1880), Helmholtz (1868), and ...