Abstract.The low-energy alpha particles irradiation impact on structural phase composition and 321S31 steel surface TiCrN and TiMoN coatings morphology have been summarized. The samples irradiation has been carried out in the DTs-60 (the Dubna cyclotron) heavy-ion accelerator by the 4 He +2 low-energy ions (40 keV) into a 1.0·10 17 ion/cm 2 fluence. It has been established thatthe 321S31 steel alpha particles implantation having energy of 40 keV results in the austenite initial γ-structurepartial transfer, stimulated by the irradiation, to the martensiteα-structure. The low-energy alpha particles irradiation within the fluencies range from 10 16 to 10 17 ion/cm 2 for the TiCrN and TiMoN coatings formed by the ionic bombardment condensation method doesn't result in the phase transfers with a coating crystal lattice type change.