The metal-based noble gas compounds exhibit interesting behavior of electronic valence states under pressure. For example, Xe upon compression can gain electrons from the alkali metal, or lose electrons unexpectedly to Fe and Ni, toward formation of stable metal compounds. In addition, the Na 2 He is not even stabilized by the local chemical bonds but via the long-range Coulomb interactions. Herein, by using the first-principles calculations and the unbiased structure searching techniques, we uncover that the transition metal Y is able to react with Xe above 60 GPa within various Y-Xe stochiometries, namely the YXe, YXe 2 , YXe 3 and Y 3 Xe structures. Surprisingly, it is found that all the resulting compounds are intermetallic and Xe atoms are positively charged. We also argue that the pressure-induced changes of the energy orbital filling are responsible for the electron transfer from Xe to Y.Meanwhile, the Peierls-like mechanism is found to stabilize the energetically most favorable YXe-Pbam phase. Furthermore, the predicted YXe-Pbam, YXe-Pnnm, and YXe 3 -I4/mcm phases are discovered to be a phonon-mediated superconductors under pressure, with the critical superconducting temperatures in the range of approximately ** Corresponding author email: 3-4K, 7-10K, and 5-6K, respectively. In summary, our work promotes further understanding of the crystal structures and electronic properties of the metal-based noble gas compounds. compounds were synthesized by oxidizing the nobel gas elements with the highly electronegative elements such as fluorine 7-8 and oxygen 9-12 . Yet later, it was also found that the high-pressure compression constitutes another suitable and promising route for the synthesis of NG compounds. For example, the compression of noble gases and some molecular species leads to the formation of multiple van der Waals solids at relatively low pressure, such as: HeN 4 13 , He-H 2 O 14 , Ar(H 2 ) 2 15 , ArO 2 , Ar(O 2 ) 16 , Kr(H 2 ) 4 17 , Xe(H 2 ) 8 18 , Xe-N 2 19 , Xe-CH 4 20 , Xe-H 2 O 21 and Xe(O 2 ) 2 16 .