DOI: 10.1002/sia.5397
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XPS study of cobalt doped TiO2 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition

Abstract: Five percent Co‐doped TiO2 films have been prepared under an oxygen partial pressure from 10−6 to 10−4 Torr. The samples were stored for two weeks under ambient conditions prior to X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation. The X‐ray photoelectron spectra of Ti 2p and 3p, as well as X‐ray induced Auger electron spectrum Ti L3M23V all show evidence for Ti3+ at the surface of the film grown in 10−6 Torr O2 partial pressure. The curve fitted Ti 2p3/2 spectrum indicates a concentration of 6.5% Ti3+. The films… Show more

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Cited by 29 publications
(12 citation statements)
References 24 publications
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“…While titanium displayed a single peak at 459.0 eV, a small contribution from a second peak at 457.4 eV is also present. The major peak is consistent with the recognized position of Ti 2p 3/2 (458.7 eV) and is attributed to Ti 4+ . The second peak is also identified as Ti 2p 3/2 , but in this case is the reduced Ti 3+ species .…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 81%
“…While titanium displayed a single peak at 459.0 eV, a small contribution from a second peak at 457.4 eV is also present. The major peak is consistent with the recognized position of Ti 2p 3/2 (458.7 eV) and is attributed to Ti 4+ . The second peak is also identified as Ti 2p 3/2 , but in this case is the reduced Ti 3+ species .…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 81%
“…The peak appearing at 459.3 eV corresponds to Ti 2 p 3/2 for Ti 4+ state in TiO x (458.6–459.5 eV) and is remarkably different from Ti 2+ (454.9–455.2 eV) and Ti 0 (453.7–454.2 eV) states of Ti 2 p 3/2 peaks. However, the peak centered around 465.0 eV corresponds to the Ti 2 p 1/2 for Ti 4+ state in TiO x which arises due to the spin–orbit coupling. , The difference between these two peaks is 5.7 eV which is same as the spin–orbit splitting of Ti 4+ (5.7 eV) rather than the spin–orbit splitting of Ti 0 (6.2 eV) and matches well with the existing reports. , Likewise, the other two peaks centered around binding energies 457.5 and 463.2 eV can be assigned to the metallic Ti 3+ state of Ti 2 p 3/2 and Ti 2 p 1/2 (due to spin–orbit coupling) level, respectively …”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 88%
“…The Ti 2p 1/2 and Ti 2p 3/2 peaks of Ti 3+ are located at 463.8 and 457.9 eV, respectively . The atomic fraction of the fitted Ti 3+ component in 10 % BTN@PC is approximately 1 % by XPS peak area . Compared with pure BTN (Figure S4), the peaks corresponding to the Ti 2p orbital in 10 % BTN@PC reveal an obvious redshift, indicating that the chemical environment of the Ti atom at the surface region of 10 % BTN@PC is slightly different to that of pure BTN.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 96%
“…[31] The atomic fraction of the fitted Ti 3 + component in 10 % BTN@PC is approximately 1 % by XPS peak area. [32][33] Compared with pure BTN ( Figure S4), the peaks corresponding to the Ti 2p orbital in 10 % BTN@PC reveal an obvious redshift, indicating that the chemical environment of the Ti atom at the surface region of 10 % BTN@PC is slightly different to that of pure BTN. In addition, compared to that of BTN and PC ( Figure S3c and 4c), a new O 1s peak at 533.8 eV is observed, this belongs to the CÀ OÀ Ti structure.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%