This was a cross-sectional study to determine the pattern of manifestations of otological diseases among patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. A structured questionnaire was administered to assess otological symptoms, followed by a general physical and ear examination. Pure tone audiometry and tympanometry in CML subjects and matched control subjects were also performed.There were 58 subjects constituting 32(55.2%) males. History of hearing loss and tinnitus was given by 13(22.4%) of the CML subjects. Audiometry however revealed a higher prevalence of 38(65.5%) of hearing impairment. The mode of onset of the hearing impairment in the self-reported cases was sudden in 9(69.2%) and in 7 (53.8%) the hearing loss preceded the diagnosis of CML. Vertigo was seen in 4 (30.8%) of the thirteen CML subjects with selfreported hearing loss. Hearing loss was found to be prevalent in CML despite lower prevalence of self-reported cases was found.using standard protocol [7]. The degree of hearing loss for each subject was based on the World Health Organization (WHO) standard classification [7] .The variables analysed were age, sex, duration of illness, otological symptoms, examination findings, Pure Tone Average and Tympanometric pattern.Results were collated and presented in descriptive format and tables. Analysis was done using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 17, Chicago Inc.). Chi-square test was used to determine the differences in prevalence between the study group and the control group. Statistical significance was inferred at p<0.05.
ResultsThere were 32(55.2%) males and 26(44.8%) females. The mean age for the subjects and control group were 47.2 ± 14.4 and 45.9 ± 14.1 respectively. The mean duration of illness was 3.0 years.The mean packed cell volume (PCV) was 29. 4 ± 7.9 % while the mean white blood cell count was 154, 347 ± 63,050 cells/mm 3 . All the subjects were pH positive.Thirteen (22.4%) subjects self-reported hearing loss. In 7 (53.8%) the hearing loss preceded the diagnosis of CML. All the subjects with self-reported hearing loss also had associated tinnitus and 4(30.8%) gave history of vertigo. Neither tinnitus nor vertigo occurred in any of the 58 subjects in isolation. Nine (69.2%) had bilateral hearing impairment and 4(30.8%) had unilateral hearing loss. Mode of onset of hearing loss was sudden in 9 (69.2%) and gradual in 4(30.8%). (Table 1). The findings at ear examination are summarized in (Table 2).
Keywords: Chronic myeloid leukemia; Hearing loss; Tinnitus
IntroductionChronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a clonal myeloproliferative disorder characterized by proliferation of granulocytic elements at all stages of differentiation [1]. Patients are often discovered incidentally when an elevated White Blood Cell count (WBC) is revealed by routine Full Blood Count (FBC) or when an enlarged spleen is revealed during an abdominal examination. Non-specific symptoms of tiredness, fatigue, and weight loss may occur long after the onset of the disease.Otologic manifestations have be...