The nuclear volume component of equilibrium field shift isotope fractionations in europium and other lanthanide elements is estimated using Mössbauer spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations. This effect goes in the opposite direction from equilibrium mass-dependent fractionation, and in the case of europium is predicted to dominate over mass dependent fractionation for most materials. Including both effects, Eu 2+ -bearing species will have approximately 0.4-1‰ higher 153 Eu/ 151 Eu than Eu 3+ -bearing species at 25ºC (298 K), and about 0.3‰ higher 153 Eu/ 151 Eu at 700ºC (973 K). Field shift fractionation mainly depends on oxidation state; differences in coordination structure without changes in oxidation state appear to have much weaker associated fractionations. Nuclear volume isotope fractionation will become even more dominant over mass dependent fractionation at higher temperatures because nuclear volume effects scale with 1/T (K), vs. 1/T 2 for mass-dependent fractionation.Fractionation favoring high 153 Eu/ 151 Eu in minerals that preferentially incorporate Eu 2+ , such as plagioclase, is consistent with recent measurements on igneous rocks showing low 153 Eu/ 151 Eu in samples with large negative europium anomalies (Lee and Tanaka, 2021). The present results agree with the recent conclusion that equilibrium fractionation cannot explain cosmochemical REE fractionations in primitive meteoritical materials (Hu et al., 2021), because the net fractionation is too small (~0.2‰ or less) at temperatures >1200 K where vapor-phase REE species are relevant.The field shift effect will also tend to drive 142 Ce/ xxx Ce ratios higher in reduced species (+2 > +3 > +4), for instance by 0.4‰ for 142 Ce/ 140 Ce in Ce 3+ vs. Ce 4+ at 25ºC, approximately canceling the mass-dependent fractionation. The nuclear volume component of fractionation in cerium isotope pairs not involving 142 Ce will be smaller (< 0.1‰) because the other nuclei have very similar volumes. As a result, mass-dependent fractionation will drive 138 Ce/ 140 Ce and 136 Ce/ 140 Ce lower in Ce 4+ species while 142 Ce/ 140 Ce hardly fractionates at equilibrium. This will yield an atypical mass vs. fractionation pattern in redox pairs.