In this study, scientific studies on the teaching of proverbs and idioms in teaching Turkish as a foreign language were examined. As a result of the literature review, it is seen that many techniques have been developed apart from the teaching techniques of the existing proverbs and idioms in the textbooks. However, no study has been found that combines these techniques. In this research, 29 studies that can be used in the teaching of proverbs and idioms were compiled and examined using the document analysis method. Accordingly, it has been determined that 12 techniques are presented for teaching Turkish proverbs and idioms with serials, linguistic comparisons, texts, songs and ballads, lexical classification, stories, in accordance with the context, creative drama, mnemonic technique, supplementary assessment and evaluation, caricature, and communicative approach. The contents of the determined techniques are divided into publication types such as doctoral thesis, master's thesis and article. The studies were analyzed comparatively among themselves, and their similarities and differences were revealed. The suggestions of the researchers were gathered together. According to the findings of the study, when the quantity of publication types is evaluated, it is seen that the publications in the article type (15) predominate. The article type is followed by the master's thesis with 12 studies. The doctoral thesis is limited to 1 study. Teaching proverbs and idioms with sequences and linguistic comparison are the most frequently studied techniques. Teaching with creative drama, mnemonic technique, complementary assessment and evaluation, caricature, and communicative approach are techniques that are less studied. Based on the results of the research, it is aimed to contribute to the next studies by presenting suggestions on the teaching of proverbs and idioms.