As technological developments in the fi eld of artifi cial intelligence progress, the use of artifi cial intelligence algorithms is also expanding. Joint stock companies are also aff ected by these developments. Considering the strategic decisions taken by the board of directors in joint stock companies and their eff ects on the partnership and the relevant stakeholders, they are of a nature that can determine the economic fate of the partnership. However, in order for the board of directors to take such decisions eff ectively and effi ciently, it must make an evaluation by taking into account many diff erent variables and have a signifi cant knowledge of the subject. No matter how competent the members of the board of directors are; making the right strategic decisions in an ever-changing world is an extremely challenging task. Artifi cial intelligence algorithms have the ability to analyze large amounts of data in a short time. In this context, some artifi cial intelligence algorithms can make high predictions. In order for artifi cial intelligence to play a role in making strategic decisions, it is possible to be accepted as a board member or to be used as a tool to support the board of directors. In this study, fi rst of all, conceptual explanations will be given, and the concept of artifi cial intelligence and top-level management of joint stock companies and the concept of strategic decision will be tried to be defi ned. Afterwards, the benefi ts of using artifi cial intelligence algorithms in making strategic decisions will be evaluated, diff erent scenarios regarding the use of artifi cial intelligence algorithms will be analysed, and fi nally, the responsibilities of board members arising from artifi cial intelligence will be determined and the study will be concluded.