Viruses, despite their great abundance and significance in biological systems, remain largely mysterious. Indeed, the vast majority of the perhaps hundreds of millions of viral species on the planet remain undiscovered. Additionally, many viruses deposited in central databases like GenBank and RefSeq are littered with genes annotated as “hypothetical protein” or the equivalent. Cenote-Taker2, a virus discovery and annotation tool available on command line and with a graphical user interface with free high-performance computation access, utilizes highly sensitive models of hallmark virus genes to discover familiar or divergent viral sequences from user-input contigs. Additionally, Cenote-Taker2 uses a flexible set of modules to automatically annotate the sequence features of contigs, providing more gene information than comparable tools. The outputs include readable and interactive genome maps, virome summary tables, and files that can be directly submitted to GenBank. We expect Cenote-Taker2 to facilitate virus discovery, annotation, and expansion of the known virome.