YBa 2 Cu 3 O x single crystals were grown using a boat crucible under a horizontal thermal gradient with a gradual cooling rate. In order to investigate the effect of temperature profile and cooling rate on crystal size and morphology, a horizontal temperature gradient was realized by selecting three temperature differences between the centre and the end of the boat as 11, 17 and 32 • C. A mixture of 7BaO plus 18CuO was used as a solvent. Starting materials of YBa 2 Cu 3 O x :(7BaO plus 18CuO) in 1:1 ratio were heated to 1050 • C and then cooled slowly to 950-970 • C at a rate of 0.1-2 • C h −1 . The temperature profile with the largest temperature difference led to the solidification of the solvent near the boat ends and also to the growth of small crystals. In the case of the temperature difference of 11 • C and the cooling rate of 0.1 • C h −1 from 985 to 970 • C, YBa 2 Cu 3 O x crystals were largest with a maximum size of 5 mm × 5 mm × 1.5 mm. Most surfaces had a constant composition of Y:Ba:Cu ≈ 1:2:3 and the critical temperature was about 90 K with a transition width of 5 K.