. 2015. Simulating forage crop production in a northern climate with the Integrated Farm System Model. Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 745Á757. Whole-farm simulation models are useful tools for evaluating the effect of management practices and climate variability on the agroenvironmental and economic performance of farms. A few process-based farm-scale models have been developed, but none has been evaluated in northern regions with boreal and hemiboreal climates characterized by a short growing season and a long period with snow cover. The study objectives were to calibrate the grass sub-model of the Integrated Farm System Model (IFSM) and evaluate its predictions of yield and nutritive value of timothy and alfalfa, grown alone or in a mixture, using experimental field data from across Canada, and to assess IFSM's predictions of yield of major annual crops grown on dairy farms in eastern Canada using regional yield data from two contrasting regions. Several timothy and alfalfa datasets combining sites, years, harvests, and N fertilization rates were used to calibrate and evaluate the model. For timothy and alfalfa, the model's accuracy was globally satisfactory in predicting dry matter yield and neutral detergent fiber concentration with a normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) B30%. For N uptake, the scatter was a bit larger, especially for timothy (NRMSE 049%), mainly because of a small range in the measured data. The model's accuracy for predicting the yield of annual crops was generally good, with an NRMSE B30%. Adding timothy and alfalfa to the grass sub-model of IFSM and verifying the model's performance for annual crops confirmed that IFSM can be used in northern regions of North America. In addition, the model was able to simulate the yield and nutritive value of a timothyÁalfalfa mixture, which is the most common perennial mixture used in Canada.Key words: Integrated Farm System Model, timothy, alfalfa, mixture, dairy farm, Canada Je´go, G., Rotz, C. A., Be´langer, G., Tremblay, G. F., Charbonneau, E. et Pellerin, D. 2015. Simulation de la production fourrage`re en climat nordique avec le mode`le IFSM (Integrated Farm System Model). Can. J. Plant Sci. 95: 745Á757. Les mode`les qui permettent de simuler le fonctionnement des exploitations agricoles sont des outils utiles pour e´valuer l'effet des pratiques agricoles et de la variabilite´du climat sur la performance agro-environnementale et e´conomique de ces exploitations. Quelques mode`les me´canistes et fonctionnant a`cette e´chelle ont e´te´de´veloppe´s au cours des dernie`res anne´es, mais aucun n'a e´te´e´value´dans les re´gions nordiques au climat bore´al ou semi-bore´al caracte´rise´s par une saison de croissance courte et une longue pe´riode avec couvert de neige. Les objectifs de cette e´tude e´taient d'une part de calibrer le sous-mode`le « prairies » du mode`le IFSM « Integrated Farm system Model » et d'e´valuer la performance du mode`re pour pre´dire le rendement et la valeur nutritive de la fle´ole des pre´s et de la luzerne, cultive´es seules ou ...