. Can. J . Chem. 52.3269 (1974). Yields of solvated electrons, G,,-, have been m e a s~~r e d in both the pure and basic solvents using biphenyl and pyrene as electron scavengers. In pure methylamine and ethylamine G,?-= 2.2 i: 0.1 and 1.8, 1 0.1, respectively. However in basic solution these yields more thar, double giving G,,-= 4.75 f 0.2, Inliquid N H , a n d N D , a t -15"C,GcS-= 3.1, 1 0 . 1 5 a n d 3 . 6 i-0.2, respectively. The latter yields seem independent of base and temperature from -15 to -50 C . Comparisons with previous work are discussed. [Trad~rit par le journal]