It 22 field trials, over a seven-year period, highly signifi.cantly^corr-elated with the uptake iigftfy iig"ln"ant torrelations weie fou-nd be-oiniirogen, the -l value being O.86' These tw"eeri niirate nitrogen to various depths in data, combin.ed-with.a factor for the efficiency the ioiiprofile at seiding time and the-uptake of uiilization of a nitrogenous fertilizer, were oi "it.-o!"" by th" aboie-ground portidn of used to derive an equation which predicls the turt"V u"t tru*".t.-Tht be;t correiatiotr *as amount of fertilizei nitrogen required for a found at a depth of 61 cm, where the I value particular barley yield' was 0.84. Barley yields were shown to be