We develop a mesoscopic model to study plastic behavior of amorphous materials under cyclic loading. The model is depinning-like and driven by a disordered thresholds dynamics coupled by long-range elastic interactions. We propose a simple protocol of ``glass preparation' which allows to mimic thermalisation at high temperature and aging at vanishing temperature. Various levels of glass stabilities (from brittle to ductile) can be achieved by tuning the aging duration. The aged glasses are immersed into a quenched disorder landscape, serving as initial configurations for various protocols of mechanical loading by shearing. The dependence of the plastic behavior upon monotonous loading is recovered. The behavior under cyclic loading is studied for different ages and system sizes. The size and age dependence of the irreversibility transition is discussed. A thorough characterization of the disorder-landscape is achieved through analysis of transition graphs, which describe plastic deformation pathways under athermal quasi-static shear. The analysis of the stability ranges of the strongly connected components of the transition graphs reveals the emergence of a phase-separation like process associated with the aging of the glass. Increasing the age and hence stability of the initial glass, results in a gradual break-up of the landscape of dynamically accessible stable states into three distinct regions: one region centered around the initially prepared glass phase, and two additional regions, characterized by well-separated ranges of positive and negative plastic strains, which are accessible only from the initial glass phase by passing through the stress peak in the forward, respectively, backward shearing directions.