SUMMARYInteraction ofhigh energy gammaphotans with matter results in the formation of radionuclides, many of which have bcen made the basis for important applications in analysis. Of particular practical consequence is the possibility of sensitive and accurate determination of light elements, particularly beryllium, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and fluorine. Other important developments are nondestructivc methods for a numbcr of elements including strontium, zirconium, calcium and iron in complex matrices such as silicates and biological materials.This survey includes general information on sources of photons, the charactcr of their interactions with the sample, cross sections for the formation of radionuclides interesting in analysis, and data on sensitivities and possible interferences. Important data on recent applications are summarized in one of the Tables. In the Table of Isotopes condensed information is given on 236 isotopes of significance in analysis, including their reactions, threshold values, characteristics of the isotopes produced and sensitivities for a set of irradiation conditions.