Abundant levels of the hyperactive low molecular weight (LMW) forms of cyclin E contribute to deregulation of Cdk2 in breast tumors, but the mechanism through which they arise is not fully understood. Here, we explored the hypothesis that post-translational processing by a protease generates the LMW forms of cyclin E in breast tumors. In ZR75 tumor cell lysates, calcium-induced cyclin E truncation into peptides corresponding in size with LMW forms of cyclin E in tumor tissues. Calpeptin inhibited calcium-stimulated cyclin E truncation, indicating that cleavage resulted from activity of the calciumdependent protease, calpain. Consistently, calcium+cal-pain caused truncation of cyclin E immunoprecipitated from tumor cells and tissues. Calcium also caused truncation of the calpain regulatory subunit in tumor cell lysates, indicating that elevated calpain activity accompanies cyclin E truncation. Increased levels of the calpain small subunit were also observed in breast tumors, and significant amounts of its proteolyzed forms indicated increased calpain activity. While elastase also caused cyclin E truncation, the cleavage pattern was distinct from that generated by calpain, suggesting discrete mechanisms in regulating the formation of LMW cyclin E in breast tumors. Treatment of ZR75 cultures with calcium+A23187 recapitulated the formation of the calcium/calpain-induced LMW forms of cyclin E. Altered calcium homeostasis and/or inability of the endogenous calpain inhibitor to control the activity of high levels of the calpain small subunit may contribute to increased calpain activity in breast tumors, causing abundant levels of LMW cyclin E.