Background Twenty one (12 females) subjects, diagnosed with schizophrenia by a psychiatrist using ICD-10, in the ages 52.87 + 9.5 years and suffering since 24.0 ± 3.05 years were recruited into the study from a schizophrenia rehabilitation center in Bengaluru. Methods All subjects were taking anti-psychotic medications and were in stable state for more than a month. Psychiatric medications were kept constant during the study period. Assessments were done at three points of time: (1) baseline, (2) after one month of usual routine (pre) and (3) after five months of validated Integrated Yoga (IY) intervention (post). Validated 1 h Yoga module (consisting of asanas, pranayama, relaxation techniques and chantings) was practiced for 5 months, five sessions per week. Antipsychotic-induced side effects were assessed using Simpson Angus Scale (SAS) and Udvalg for Kliniske Undersogelser (UKU) side effect rating scale. Cognitive functions (using Trail making Test A and B), clinical symptoms and anthropometry were assessed as secondary variables. Comparisons between "pre" and "post" data was done using paired samples t-tests after subtracting baseline scores from them respectively. Results At the end of five months, significant reduction in drug-induced Parkinsonian symptoms (SAS score; p=0.001) and 38 items of UKU scale was observed along with significant improvement in processing speed, executive functions and negative symptoms of schizophrenia patients. No side effects of Yoga were reported. Conclusions The present study provides preliminary evidence for usefulness of Integrated Yoga intervention in managing anti-psychotic-induced side effects.