BACKGROUND: A wide range of studies has shown that the coronavirus disease (COVID)-2019 pandemic could cause many deaths on the global scale by the end of 2020 because of the high speed of transmission and predicted case-fatality rates.
AIM: This paper is a narrative review aiming to address the treatment of persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) during the COVID-19 crisis using Worden’s task-based model.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Related papers published from 2000 to 2020 were searched in the EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar databases. Bereavement, COVID-19, pandemics, and Worden’s task-based model constituted the search terms. A narrative technique was implemented (including reading, writing, thinking, interpreting, arguing, and justifying) for material synthesis and creating a compelling and cohesive story.
RESULTS: A few studies have specifically addressed the grief experiences within the COVID-19 crisis. They managed to identify some potential obstacles to grieving during the pandemic, namely, “anticipatory grief” and “multiple losses.” This study tried to use Worden’s task-based model to address the treatment of PCBD during the pandemic.
CONCLUSIONS: Despite the paucity of information, Worden’s task-based model seems to have a considerable impact on the reduction of the PCBD symptoms. Nonetheless, further research is needed to perceive the effect of this approach on PCBD during the COVID-19 pandemic.