The purpose of this study was to describe the personality of teachers in Indonesia using an analysis of students who aspire to continue their education in educational study programs in Indonesia. The research sample consisted of 1994 students, of which 668 were male and 1326 female students enrolled in several majors, such as science, social studies, language, religion, and others. Respondents were obtained through purposive sampling. Attributes and latent constructs were classified using importance-performance analysis (IPA). The results of the study indicate that there are three personality traits that need to be improved by teachers, namely being supportive, caring, and sensitive to problems. Male respondents identified seven personality traits on the priority scale that need to be improved. That is, teachers need to be communicative, broad-minded, diligent, calm, objective, authoritative, and up to date. Furthermore, female respondents indicated five personality items on the priority scale that need to be improved. That is, teachers need to be trained, communicative, diligent, responsive, and not careless. These findings can be used as input for teachers to be able to improve their personality competence. It can also become a reference for students to be able to ensure that they have a positive personality as one of the competences that prospective teachers must possess. This research forms the basis for initial considerations for counselors to provide guidance and counseling services, especially in career planning, for students who consider becoming educators as a future career.