For fire detection, there are characteristics such as variable sample feature morphology, complex background and dense target, small sample size of dataset and imbalance ofcategories, which lead to the problems of low accuracy and poor real-time performanceof the existing fire detection models. We propose a flame smoke detection model basedon efficient multi-scale feature enhancement, i.e., EA-YOLO. In order to improve theextraction capability of the network model for flame target features, an efficient attentionmechanism is integrated into the backbone network, Multi Channel Attention (MCA), andthe number of parameters of the model is reduced by introducing the RepVB module;at the same time, we design a multi-weighted multidirectional feature neck structure,Multidirectional Feature Pyramid Network (MDFPN), to enhance the model’s flametarget feature information fusion ability; finally, the CIoU loss function is redesigned byintroducing the Slide weighting function to improve the imbalance between difficult andeasy samples. In addition, to address the problem of a small sample size of fire datasets,this paper establishes two fire datasets, Fire-Smoke and Ro-Fire-Smoke, of which thelatter has the model robustness validation function. The experimental results show that themethod of this paper is 6.5% and 7.3% higher compared to the baseline model YOLOv7on the Fire-Smoke and Ro-Fire-Smoke datasets, respectively. The detection speed is 74.6frames per second. It fully demonstrates that the method in this paper has high flamedetection accuracy while considering the real-time nature of the model. The source codeand dataset are located at