Introduction: This study evaluated the implementation of a 2 nd phase training programme for novice drivers in Spain, which puts the primary focus of the training on the higher hierarchical levels of driver behaviour. Method: Two hundred and sixty-three participants took part throughout the study, which was implemented as an experimental design with the test and control groups assessed before and after the one day safety training. Measurement of the impact of the training program focused on the participants' self-evaluation and selfreporting of some driving behaviour indicators related to accident risk. Results: Data analysis showed a change in the expected direction in the scale related to the skills for careful driving, but not for the other four scales considered. A feedback survey about the training course offered some important input for evaluating the organization, contents, tuition, and results of the three parts of the training programme (discussion group, on-road and track training) as reported by the participants in the test group.
Conclusions and suggestions:The results of the experiment show that using a one day driver safety course, it is possible to change some of the drivers' evaluations connected to safe driving style into safe direction. The follow-up period was exceptionally long (9 months) and the design (randomly divided experimental and control groups with before and after measurements) was reliable. More effort should be devoted to improving the on-road part of the training, which was often perceived as a typical driving lesson rather than a feedback drive.