SOCs (Solid Oxide Cells) operate in harsh conditions and have to withstand considerable static and cyclic stresses, both mechanical and thermal. Thus, their mechanical stability is threatened. One fundamental aspect is the structural integrity of the cell. In fact, mechanical failure of a single cell can damage the whole stack, reducing the lifetime and the efficiency of the entire system. This study focuses on the ceramic layered structure of an Yttria-stabilized electrolyte supported cell. Its elastic modulus has been measured through destructive and nondestructive techniques (three-point bending test, impulse excitation technique, tensile test). Many literature sources deal with properties of the most common electrolytes and electrodes, yet co-sintering effects and interactions between layers are still not fully comprehended. In this contribution the overall elastic performance of the cell has been investigated, focusing on the role that the interface between layers plays in the changing of resulting mechanical properties. To enable this investigation, layers were added to the electrolyte one by one, thus allowing individual interactions to be distinguished with the help of numerical simulations. Results obtained for consecutive samples through different techniques have been compared and discussed. K E Y W O R D S elastic constants, finite element analysis, fuel cells, layered ceramics