In an fMRI experiment, participants were exposed to narratives based on true stories designed to evoke admiration and compassion in 4 distinct categories: admiration for virtue (AV), admiration for skill (AS), compassion for social/psychological pain (CSP), and compassion for physical pain (CPP). The goal was to test hypotheses about recruitment of homeostatic, somatosensory, and consciousnessrelated neural systems during the processing of pain-related (compassion) and non-pain-related (admiration) social emotions along 2 dimensions: emotions about other peoples' social/psychological conditions (AV, CSP) and emotions about others' physical conditions (AS, CPP). Consistent with theoretical accounts, the experience of all 4 emotions engaged brain regions involved in interoceptive representation and homeostatic regulation, including anterior insula, anterior cingulate, hypothalamus, and mesencephalon. However, the study also revealed a previously undescribed pattern within the posteromedial cortices (the ensemble of precuneus, posterior cingulate cortex, and retrosplenial region), an intriguing territory currently known for its involvement in the default mode of brain operation and in self-related/consciousness processes: emotions pertaining to social/psychological and physical situations engaged different networks aligned, respectively, with interoceptive and exteroceptive neural systems. Finally, within the anterior insula, activity correlated with AV and CSP peaked later and was more sustained than that associated with CPP. Our findings contribute insights on the functions of the posteromedial cortices and on the recruitment of the anterior insula in social emotions concerned with physical versus psychological pain.fMRI ͉ insula ͉ morality ͉ posteromedial cortices ͉ social emotions S ocial emotions such as admiration and compassion play a critical role in interpersonal relationships and moral behavior (1, 2). They motivate us to either reward (in the case of admiration) or remedy (in the case of compassion) the circumstances of another person (3). The experience of these emotions may also produce a sense of heightened self-awareness that incites our own desire to be virtuous or skillful, or else gratitude for our own good circumstances (4-6).Admiration can be evoked by witnessing virtuous behavior aimed at reducing the suffering of others [known also as ''elevation'' (4)] or by displays of virtuosic skill; compassion can be evoked by witnessing situations of personal loss and social deprivation (hereafter, social pain) or by witnessing bodily injury. Notably, each of these emotions pertains to another person's immediate physical circumstances (admiration for skill, compassion for physical pain) or social/psychological circumstances (admiration for virtue, compassion for social pain); and each is either related to pain processing (compassion for physical and for social/psychological pain) or not (admiration for skill and for virtue).Although understanding the neural underpinnings of these emotions is important to...