YouTube is a vast source of freely accessible user-uploaded medical information. To our knowledge no study has analysed the quality of parent-uploaded videos which depict illness in their children. We aimed to investigate the quality and quantity of videos representing two common conditions, croup and dehydration.YouTube was searched using the search terms 'croup+child' and 'dehydration+child'. The first 400 videos of each search were screened. Parent-uploaded videos were systematically analysed for characteristics (duration, likes/dislikes, number of views) and technical quality. Each video was then assessed for whether it represented a good clinical example.RESULTS -Out of 38 'croup' videos which met criteria, 15 were judged to be a good clinical example. Only 7 of these 15 videos were also of high technical quality. Seven 'good clinical example' videos had poor technical quality.Out of 28 'dehydration' videos which met the inclusion criteria, two were a good clinical example. One of these videos had good technical quality. In most videos, there was no indication of the reason for upload.CONCLUSION -There were very few videos of either condition which were simultaneously agood clinical example and of high technical quality. It is extremely difficult and time consuming to isolate such examples from the mass of information available. Parents could be misled by apparently high technical quality videos which are not in fact good clinical examples. Healthcare professionals should not currently advise parents to seek medical information on YouTube, but instead be able to direct them towards more reputable resources.