84 ~kci ted states in the doubly-odd nucleus Rb have mainly been studied via the (~,n) reaction by means of in-beam y-ray spec_ trosoopy. Two new isomers ~e been found, a 5 level at 467. 1 keV and a 5' " level at 544.2 keV with half-lives of 9(2) nss(+) and 11(1) ns, respectively. On top of the isomer a level sequence with increasing spins up to I0 h and probably positive parity has been identified. These states are ascribed to the configuration("g9/2 | ~"g9/2 )" 84 For the doubly-odd nucleus 37Rb47 having one proton hole and three neutron holes in the respective closed (sub)shells at Z=38 and N=50 positive parity levels are e~ted where both the unpaired proton and the unpaired neutron move in the intruder g9/2 orbits. So far, in 84Rb only the y-decay of a long-lived 6-isomer at 463.7 keV to the 2-ground state and to a 3-level at 248.1 keV is well-studied [1,2]. Furthermore, some low-and medium-spin states are known from the transfer reactions 86Sr(d,~) [8] and 85Rb(p,d) [4]. To investigate excited states of higher spins in 84Rb the (~,n) reaction has mainly been employed. Targets of NaBr and NH~r with natural isotopic abundance have beer, bombarded with 13, 16, 19 and 27 MeV s-particles at the Rossendorf cyclotron. Excitation functions, angular distributions, y-y coincidences and nanosecond lifetimes have been measured using low-energy photon spectrometers. In addition, singles spectra have also been measured in the cross reactions 82Se(TLi,4n) and 80Se(7Li,3n) for an unambiguous assignment of y-rays to 84Rb. The results of these measurements are summarized in the level scheme given in fig. I. The placement of the 80.6 keV transition on top of the long-lived 6-isomer is supported by the two other deo~ay branches de-exciting the new 5 (+) level, where one branch is a cascade of 77.2 and 219.0 keV transitions with positive A 2 coefficients for both }'-rays. Thus, in connection with the excitation function a 5-assignment has been made for the level at 487.1 keV. For this 5-state and for the 5 (+) level half-lives of 9(2) ns and II(I) ns, respectively, have been deduced from the slopes of the background-corrected time distribu-tioz~s of the corresponding transitions. For the 80.6 keV y-ray (10+) 1759.4 bution is shown in fig. 2. L 1334.8