(15 coronal slices, repetition time (TR)/echo time (TE) = 635/17 ms, FOV = 20 cm 20 cm, acquisition matrix = 320 512, flip angle = 90 , slice thickness = 1.5 mm with no gap, number of averages = 3). The recent advent of transparent polycrystalline YAG lasers that outperform single-crystal YAG lasers has intensified interest in the development of very fine YAG particles that are easily sintered to full density and transparency. [11,12] We report here efforts to produce nanosized Y 3 Al 5 O 12 powders for this purpose that result in a new phase with higher densities than YAG and sinter to full density at relatively low temperatures. We recently described a new method of producing large quantities of single and mixed-metal oxide nanopowders with exceptional control of composition based on liquid-feed flame spray pyrolysis. (LF-FSP).[13] In this process, metallo-organic precursors (e.g., metal carboxylates) with the exact composition of the metals desired in the final oxide nanopowders are dissolved in an alcohol (typically ethanol) and the solutions aerosolized with oxygen. The aerosol mist is ignited to produce flame temperatures exceeding 1500 C. Rapid quenching of the gas-phase species produces nanosized oxide ªsootº with the exact metal composition of the starting solution, including any impurities or dopants. Given that nanosized oxide powders are known to sinter at temperatures well below those of micrometer-sized powders, a set of precursors designed to produce the Y 3 Al 5 O 12 composition were assessed. The resulting nanopowder was found to form a new hexagonal Y 3 Al 5 O 12 phase, which we describe here. In studies reported in detail elsewhere, [13] we found that 3:5 mixtures of Y(O 2 CCH 2 CH 3 ) 2 OH and Al(Acac) 3 (Acac = acetylacetonate) dissolved in ethanol gave nanopowders with average particle sizes (APS) below 50 nm (Fig. 1a). The as-produced particles are unnecked, easily dispersed, and single crystals, as determined by high-resolution TEM (Fig. 1b).In contrast to what we anticipated, the digital diffraction and XRD powder patterns for the as-produced powders do not match those of YAG. As shown in Figure 2, the XRD most closely resembles that of the hexagonal phase of YAlO 3 . Since this is a commonly observed kinetic phase in this system, this finding was not too surprising. However, if we had produced YAlO 3 , then the overall stoichiometry of the system would be 3YAlO 3´A l 2 O 3 . The excess alumina (25 mol-%) would be expected to be visible as a crystalline phase (not observed), an amorphous phase with an amorphous hump in the XRD powder patterns (not observed), or last (and least likely), as a component in a defect structure.On careful examination, the XRD peak intensities obtained differ from those expected for YAlO 3 . This prompted examination of the low-angle XRD pattern, revealing a peak at 2h = 8.3±8.5 corresponding to a lattice parameter of » 1.1 nm, close to the unit-cell dimensions for crystalline YAG and the (001) interplanar distance of hexagonal YAlO 3 . However, neither true Y...