We provide a class of bound entangled states that have positive distillable secure key rate. The smallest state of this kind is 4 ⊗ 4. Our class is a generalization of the class presented in [1]. It is much wider, containing, in particular, states from the boundary of PPT entangled states (all of the states in the class in [1] were of this kind) but also states inside the set of PPT entangled states, even, approaching the separable states. This generalization comes with a price: for the wider class a positive key rate requires, in general, apart from the one-way Devetak-Winter protocol (used in [1]) also the recurrence preprocessing and thus effectively is a two-way protocol. We also analyze the amount of noise that can be admixtured to the states of our class without losing key distillability property which may be crucial for experimental realization. The wider class contains key-distillable states with higher entropy (up to 3.524, as opposed to 2.564 for the class in [1]).